Wedding Stationery
Wedding stationery occupies an important part in the Wedding. Apart from the wedding invitations there are a lot of other stationeries used during the wedding.
The term ‘RSVP’ is derived from French which means respondez s’il vous plait which when translated into English means “Please respond”. RSVP is generally written on the invitation. It means the host has requested the guest to respond if they are planning to come. These wedding stationery are generally small cards, which are mailed along with the invitations. The RSVP cards contain the directions for replying back.
RSVP cards help the hosts maintain a record of who is going to come and who is not. More..
Menu Cards
Menu Cards are wedding stationery that are usually given along with the RSVP cards. Menu Cards provide a list of the menu that is served along during the wedding. The Guests can choose the menu from the card and mention it in the RSVP card. This will make it easy for the hosts to arrange food and thereby reduce the burden on the caterer.
Welcome Cards
A welcome card is usually a card that is given to the guests when they arrive at the hotel or the place of the event for that matter. This card can also be used to thank the guest for being a part of the big day and moreover we share the social media handle and hashtags on a welcome card.
Details/Accommodation CardAnother important wedding stationery is this card that is used to inform the guests about the information about the hotel, directions etc., This card is also used to inform the guests about the additional events happening prior to the wedding.
Map is a great way to guide the guests to the correct venue of the event. The map contains the direction, surroundings etc., about a particular place. All these are nowadays, sent to guests through Whatsapp messages. Yet, there is always a personal touch and feel that is experienced when the invite and the paraphernalia are delivered by hand. More …
Luggage tags
Wedding stationery such as personalised wedding luggage tags come with the names of the couple printed on them. Luggage tags are ideal for destination weddings. Luggage tags come in different shapes and sizes and personalised in terms of content and design. More …
Vehicle Stickers
Vehicle stickers differentiate the vehicle of the couple from others and make them stand unique in an adorable way. Fancy stickers in the shape of the union of two hearts or stickers showing an image of a cartoon couple with the message ‘Just Married’ written across will be an honor for the newly wed couple. More …
Welcome placards
Hospitality plays an important part of the wedding. Placards are to welcome the guests at the airport or railway station are a must to escort them to the hotels with honour is a respectable hospitality. More …
Key Tags
Have you ever thought of honouring your guests in every single aspect? Accommodating them in the rooms allocated for them and making sure they have a good experience with their rooms is an important token of honour. A simple Key Tag for the keys of the room personalized in the name of the guest will be a sign that they are being taken care of in a caring way. Moreover personalized key tags make it easy for the guests to identify the room allocated for them and avoid confusions, More …
Thank you Cards
Finally after the end of the Big Day, it is obligatory for the hosts to thank the guests for coming and being a part of the wedding. One of the most important of the wedding stationery could be these thank you cards, which are usually sent at the earliest after the Marriage is over. These cards usually come in the theme of the invitation. More …
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