Kasi Yatra Set

Kasi Yatra Set

The Kaasi Yaathirai, also called Kashi yatra, Kasi yatra is an important ritual (using the kasi yathirai set), and an interesting part of a typical tamil wedding, especially brahmin wedding, where the groom is prevented from going to Kasi to become a mendicant, to acquire wisdom.

The girl’s family, by offering her in marriage to the groom, tries to dissuade the groom from going to Kashi, with his Kasi yatra umbrella, the hand fan, Sundara Kandam from the epic Ramayana, shoulder bag, walking stick and wooden sandals. The offer is usually made by the brother or father of the girl or in their absence, a senior person from the girl’s family.

Some background on Kasi Yatra

Kashi or Kasi is the holiest place where one goes in search of the truth, knowledge and wisdom, as man seeks the larger meaning of life.

So, here, the groom, prepares to go in search of the inner truth and the hidden meaning of life, ahead of his Grihasthashrama. In the scriptures, it is said that a person cannot seek the higher ideals, without being part of Grihasthashrama.

Historically too, Kashi is an important destination for seeking higher knowledge, spiritual and religious knowledge.

In our case, the groom prepares to depart, as he gets nervous and unsure about the wedding looming ahead. As he prepares to leave, in seach of sanyasa, the future in-laws intervene and change his mind, while offering their girl in wedlock.

The Kasi Yatra Set

While this ceremonial celebration may not last longer than 30 minutes, it is prepared for elaborately, with the both families gathering around the groom and enjoying the kasi yatra scene that unfolds in front of them.

The groom walks to the entrance, with his umbrella and the other paraphernalia and steps out of the building.

At this point in time, the brother or father of the bride, run behind him, speak to him and enquire with him. The groom is then persuaded to stay behind.

There are some formalities or rituals that are followed here. The groom is seated, his feet washed by the bride’s brother and pacifies him. The bride’s brother gets a tip of a few hundred rupees as consolation. The groom, who ends his Kasi yatra, abandons his kasi yatra set and is then welcomed back by the family.

For this ritual, even if it is a tiny one, the materials used are a show of colour and richness. The umbrella is not the usual one, but a decorated kasi yatra umbrella, which may contain attractive hand made designs, or multi-coloured embroidered designs, with elaborate enhancements such as reflective glass, colourful crystals and so on. These attachments transform the simple ritual a colourful one.

The colour choices for the umbrella may be available in the colours of the rainbow. The decorative Kasi umbrella set is usually enhanced using contrasting colours for the sake of visibility. People generally choose the Kasi umbrella with the camera in mind and sometimes consult with the photographers for the right colour suitable for the photo and video sessions.

You can get your kasi yatra set from us. Our Kasi yatra set for marriage is available in multi colours; choose the colour of your choice and liking.

The Kasi yathirai set comprises of the kasi yatra umbrella, a decorative one, along with the hand held fan, the Ramayana, the wooden sandals and finally, the walking stick.

All of the elements mentioned above are decorated richly and rightly. The hand held fan for the Kasi yatra is also decorated, much similar to the umbrella. The Ramayana is well wrapped and looks respectful. The wooden sandals, which are called padhukas, are difficult to wear and walk, since they only have the grip between the thumb and the second finger. The kasi yatra padhukas are usually made out of wood smoothed out to prevent any injuries.

Similarly, the walking stick is also decorated similar to the umbrella and the hand fan.

There are many kasi yatra umbrella designs for you to pick and choose from.

You can get the Kashi yatra set in Adyar. Our showroom is in Indira Nagar, Adyar. Get your Kashi yatra set online from our website. Just choose your design and order online. We ship your kasi yatra wedding set all over India.

You may also visit our showroom and have a look at the choices physically. Do you want a customised, made to order Kasi Yatra Set? We do offer custom made Kasi yathra sets. Do ask us for more details, or share a Whatsapp message for a prompt response.

Glad to share with you our wedding Kasi yatra set.

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