Jute, when properly woven, definitely exudes that premium feel to the fabric. This premium jute ring platter is of superior quality and exquisite design.

As I said, the combination of elements is important to bring that premium feel to any product.

If you see here, we used pastel coloured flowers to a large extent, with the gold infused purple rope playing for building premiumness in this beautiful ring platter.

Tightly wrapped square ring platter with purple rope skirting, beautifies the platter manifold. Tiny details like the golden bow at the centre of the skirting, improves the product further. The icing on the cake is the dropdown heart, which could be printed with the couple’s names, thereby perfecting the picture.

If you want to add this ring platter to your seer collection, it is available at Anantmaya, the largest wedding products seller in Chennai with many more products for your engagement celebrations.

This beautiful jute engagement ring platter is also available to be ordered online, with the guarantee to ship worldwide, constrained only by government restrictions.